Agenda item - BH2014/02100 Old Ship Hotel,31-38 Kings Road, Brighton -Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2014/02100 Old Ship Hotel,31-38 Kings Road, Brighton -Full Planning

Demolition of existing 3 storey garage and staff accommodation block fronting Black Lion Street and construction of new 6 storey building to provide 8no one bed and 10no two bed flats on the 1st-5th floors and associated cycle and car parking on the ground floor with revised vehicular access together with other associated works including solar panels on the roof.


Ward Affected: Regency


Demolition of existing 3 storey garage and staff accommodation block fronting Black Lion Street and construction of new 6 storey building to provide 8no one bed and 10no two bed flats on the 1st-5th floors and associated cycle and car parking on the ground floor with revised vehicular access together with other associated works including solar panels on the roof.


(1)          The Principal Planning Officer, Major Applications, Liz Arnold gave a presentation by reference to, photographs showing the existing structure, views from King’s Road and Black Lion Street site plans, elevational drawings and drawings showing the proposed floor plans and proposed block plans. In addition clarification was given in respect of the wording to the s106 Heads of Term. Additional wording needed to be added to the final bullet point add (55% social rent and 45% intermediate affordable)


(2)          It was explained that the main considerations in determining the application related to demolition of the existing building, the principle of the development, the design of the proposed building and its impacts on the surrounding area including the surrounding Conservation Area and the setting of the Listed Assembly Room located within the vicinity of the site, the standard of accommodation to be provided, the impact of the development on neighbouring amenity, and transport, ecology and sustainability issues.


(3)          It was considered that the proposed development would make an efficient and effective use of the site. The height, design and bulk of the proposed extension would not compromise the quality of the local environment, including that of the surrounding Conservation Area. The standard of accommodation proposed was considered acceptable and adequate private amenity space provided. Subject to compliance with the proposed conditions, the scheme would comply with the requirements for sustainability, cycle storage, waste management and refuse and recycling storage. In addition it was considered that the new residential development would not have a significant adverse impact upon the amenities of neighbouring properties. The proposal accorded with policies of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and the Brighton & Hove Submission City Plan Part One, approval was therefore recommended.


              Questions for Officers


(4)          Councillor Simson enquired whether the level of parking proposed in association with the proposed scheme was considered adequate, noting also that some of the existing hotel parking would be lost and that although two of the proposed units would be fully accessible that only one disabled parking space was to be provided within the scheme. Councillor Simson also referred to the constituent elements of the proposed s106 obligation. Whilst not objecting to how it was proposed this would be spent, she thought that contributions had to be made towards provision in the immediate vicinity of the site.


(5)          Councillor A Norman also sought clarification regarding the provision of disabled parking bearing in mind that although it was possible that there were other spaces available in the vicinity a resident with limited mobility would need close access between their vehicle and their place of residence.


(6)          Councillor West referred to the level of parking proposed to be provided on site, also to the number of cycle parking spaces, asking whether it would be possible to increase/reduce certain elements, in order for instance to enable another disabled parking space to be provided. Councillor West also enquired regarding arrangements for storage of refuse and re-cycling and to ensure adequate recording of any archaeological deposits exposed as a result of the building works. It was explained that all of these matters would be covered by proposed conditions set out in the report.


(7)          Councillor Wealls referred to the ground floor access proposed to the on-site car parking seeking confirmation that the “stacking” system referred to was considered to be adequate and it was confirmed that it was.


(8)          The Principal Transport Planning Officer, Steven Shaw explained that the Old Ship Hotel had indicated that there was sufficient parking for guests using the hotel. The level of parking to be provided was considered sufficient based on an assessment of parking usage in the vicinity. Proposed on-site parking accorded with the Council’s own standards for parking provision based on the data provided.


(9)          Councillor Robins enquired regarding the arrangements to be put into place in relation to delivery of materials and removal of building waste during the construction process.


(10)       Mr Gowans, CAG, sought confirmation regarding whether it was proposed to retain the existing signage currently above the garages, it was confirmed that it was not.


(11)       Councillor Mac Cafferty, the Chair referred to the fact that there were a number of proposed pre-commencement conditions in respect of proposed scheme. The standard of some of the public realm art/improvements which had been provided in relation to some schemes had been poor and he hoped that something suitable and appropriate could be provided here, noting that local ward councillors would be consulted in relation to this element of the scheme.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(12)       Councillor Hyde, welcomed the scheme which she considered would provide a mix of much needed housing and would improve the appearance of that part of the street scene. She also welcomed the fact that the development would not be “car free” and that parking would be provided for residents within the scheme.


(13)       Councillor Simson concurred stating that besides improving the appearance of the site, the proposed form of development would also provide adequate levels of parking in a part of the city where it could prove both difficult and expensive to find parking. Councillor Simson was also pleased to note that there was a balance between the level of vehicle and cycle parking on site.


(14)       A vote was taken and members voted unanimously that minded to grant planning permission be granted.


189.1    RESOLVED - That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 of the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 and resolves to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to a S106 agreement and the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11 and additional wording to the final bullet to make reference to (55% social rent and 45% intermediate affordable) housing.

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