Agenda item - Mayoral Report 2015-16

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Agenda item

Mayoral Report 2015-16

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached).


3.1         The Mayor formally moved the Mayoral report for 2014/15 be noted.


3.2         RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


3.3         The Mayor then chose to formally thank the Council for his year in office and stated that it had been varied and exceptional in many ways and would leave him with countless memories of the people that he had met.  There were a number of experiences that stood out including Bernie Jordan’s adventure to France and his conferral as an Alderman, the Pride event, meeting so many volunteers and raising funds for the mayoral charities.  However all of these would not be possible without the support of a number of people within the council and he wished to thank a number of these personally.  From within the Mayoral Office he called on Siobhan Williams, Martin Warren, Robbie Robertson, Darren Patching, and Kieran Madden to come forward and receive a small gift. 


3.4         He also wished to thank Elaine Barber in Democratic Services and noted that she could not be present.  He then called on Mark Wall, Head of Democratic Services, who he had known for over 25 years an officer and now as a friend, to come forward and receive a gift as a mark of his dedication and professionalism. 


3.5         He then thanked Father John Wall for his service as his chaplain for the year and support at many of the mayoral events over the year.


3.6         Finally, he wanted to thank his wife, Nora for her support and advice throughout this year and for taking the decision to retire early so that she could support him fully.  He then presented Nora with a small gift.

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