Agenda item - Minutes of the previous meeting

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Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2015 (copy attached).


41.1       The Chair stated that in common with other Members of the Committee she had received e mails from the two speakers who had spoken in objection to Application BH2015/01472, Clarendon House, Conway Court, Ellen House, Livingstone & Goldstone House, Clarendon Road & Garages 1-48 Ellen Street, Hove, querying the accuracy of the minutes in that they did not mirror transcripts they had provided. The Chair stated that the minutes were intended to crystallise points made and were not verbatim (that representing the difference between the webcast and the minutes). It was important that Members were happy that the minutes reflected their debate and the means by which the Committee had reached their decisions. In her view the speakers had not been disadvantaged in any way. They had spoken in support of the officer recommendation that the application be refused. The Committee had considered the officer report, submissions made by all parties and all germane planning issues and the application had been refused.


41.2       The Chair noted a matter of factual accuracy raised by one of the speakers and was happy to agree the following amendment to the minutes. Members were invited to suggest amendments if they had any but they had none.


              Amendment to paragraph 5 (fourth line):


“There was a long payback period, over 70 yearsand it was disappointing that following the earlier refusal a very similar scheme had been resubmitted.”


41.3       RESOLVED – That subject to the amendment set out above the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2015 as a correct record.

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