Agenda item - Internal audit and Corporate Fraud: strategy and plan 2015/16

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Agenda item

Internal audit and Corporate Fraud: strategy and plan 2015/16

Report of the Head of Internal Audit (copy attached)


Contact Officer: Graham Liddell                Tel: 01273 291323

Ward(s) Affected: All


87.1    The Committee considered the report of the Head of Internal Audit. The report was introduced by the Head of Internal Audit.


87.2    Councillor Wealls asked if the Council worked with other Authorities to discuss common problems or issues. The Head of Internal Audit said there was not a national system for raising areas of concern, but the Council did work with other local authorities across the south east of England including East and West Sussex County Councils.


87.3    Councillor A Norman noted that schools would be audited and asked for more information. The Head of Internal Audit said that previously few schools were audited but the proposal for next year was to audit ten schools. School’s budgets were large, although most of that covered staff costs, and so it was an important area of work. Councillor Wealls asked who would pay for the audit and what the likely cost would be. The Audit Manager said that it would be financed from central council funds, and the cost of 25 days of auditing planned for the first quarter of 2014/15 would be around £7500.


87.4    RESOLVED: That the Committee approved the Internal Audit and Corporate Fraud Strategy and Plan 2015/16.

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