Agenda item - EY 2013/14 Audit Results Report

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Agenda item

EY 2013/14 Audit Results Report

Report of the External Auditors EY (Copy Attached)


Contact Officer: Helen Thompson                         Tel: 07974007332

Ward Affected: All Wards


32.1   The Committee considered the report of the External Auditors, EY. The report was presented by Helen Thompson and Simon Mathers from EY.


32.2   Councillor Summers noted that the Authority had relatively high levels of spending and asked if, when setting the budget, comparisons were made with other Local Authorities, and was advised that they were.


32.3         Councillor A Norman noted that comparisons were made with the nearest similar Authorities, but asked if there were other ways that VFM could be assessed on areas such as dealing with homeless people or children who needed social care. Simon Mathers said that was a good point and comparisons could be made with other authorities with a similar population and not just neighbouring ones. The Executive Director of Finance and Resources said that the city had similar characteristics with some London borough and faced similar issues with homelessness and children in need.


32.4         RESOLVED: that the Committee noted the report

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