Agenda item - Proposed Expansion of St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School to Three Forms of Entry from September 2015: outcomes of consultation

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Agenda item

Proposed Expansion of St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School to Three Forms of Entry from September 2015: outcomes of consultation




(1)  That the Committee authorise further work on the conditions contained in the Chair of Governors’ letter of 2 July (Appendix 4) in order to secure a proposal which would attract fuller support.


(2)   That the Committee authorise further consideration of the possibility of including part or all of the Haddington Street car park in the design solution, taking into account how appropriate parking provision to meet local needs would continue to be made.


(3) That the Committee requested that a further report be brought to a special meeting of the Committee in September, in order that a decision could be made as to whether to publish a Statutory Notice


24.1      The Solicitor noted that Councillor Wealls had declared an interest in this item. As there was no substantive decision to be made, the Solicitor advised that Councillor Wealls would be able to vote on the recommendations set out in the report.


24.2      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to the outcome of the consultation on the proposed expansion of St Andrew’s CE Primary School to three forms of entry from September 2015. The report was introduced by the Head of Education Planning and Contracts and the Head of Capital Strategy.


24.3      Mr Jones suggested that children did better in smaller environments, and increasing the size of the school would reduce the options parents had of attending a small school. Mr Jones asked if an Equality Impact Assessment had been done. The Head of Education Planning agreed that if the expansion went ahead the option of a smaller school would be lost, but said that children would thrive in any school if they were supported. It was confirmed that an Equality Impact Assessment would be conducted.


24.4      Councillor Pissaridou said that the Labour & Co-Operative Group would prefer a new school rather than increase the size of St Andrew’s.


24.5      Councillor Wealls said that as Ward Councillor he was aware of the shortage of school places in the area, and additional ones needed to be found. The Local Authority could commission a new school in the area, and cited the example of the Free School which would be moving to Hove.


24.6      Councillor Lepper agreed the Labour & Co-Operative Group would like to see a new primary and secondary school built, rather than persuade well performing schools to take additional pupils. There should be a long term vision with good education provision across the city.


24.7      RESOLVED:


(1)  That the Committee authorise further work on the conditions contained in the Chair of Governors’ letter of 2 July (Appendix 4) in order to secure a proposal which would attract fuller support.


(2)  That the Committee authorise further consideration of the possibility of including part or all of the Haddington Street car park in the design solution, taking into account how appropriate parking provision to meet local needs would continue to be made.


(3) That the Committee requested that a further report be brought to a special meeting of the Committee in September, in order that a decision could be made as to whether to publish a Statutory Notice

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