Agenda item - Martin Randall - Head of Planning B&HCC

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Agenda item

Martin Randall - Head of Planning B&HCC

10.30 – 11.15am     Discussion of Shoreham Harbour and Neighbourhood Plans


3.1         Martin Randall – Head of Planning & Public Protection - presented the information on the Shoreham Harbour Joint Action Area Plan (JAAP).


3.2         The Shoreham Harbour Regeneration project is being led by a partnership comprising Adur District Council, Brighton & Hove City Council, West Sussex County Council and Shoreham Port Authority. The partnership is supported by the Homes and Communities Agency and the Environment Agency. The aim of the JAAP is to provide a positive planning framework for regeneration.


3.3         The original proposal for 10,000 homes had a very ‘top down’ feel to it and was driven by the former Regional Development Agency.  The JAAP reflected the strong partnership between the respective local authorities and the Port and tested a more realistic figure closer to 2,000 new homes.


3.4         The Port was thriving and in addition to the many port-related uses, it attracted other business users too.  The canal provided a key opportunity for larger ships and the JAAP looked to consolidate port related uses on the southern arm alongside the canal.


3.5         The Harbour area also provided many opportunities for formal and informal recreation including rowing, sailing and the popularity of the beach. There were also a number of heritage assets including the Lighthouse and Fort.


3.6         Transport links needed improving and the JAAP looked to a more integrated package of measures including highway improvements.  The JAAP also addressed the need to provide flood risk protection as part of new development.


3.7         The character areas in the Brighton & Hove administrative area and the key areas of opportunity were:


South Portslade provided opportunities for improved employment use and some appropriately located residential development.


Aldrington Basin provided opportunities for more employment uses and a vibrant mix of new and improved port facilities.


3.8         The deadline for the consultation was 25 April 2014 but comments were still welcome.


3.9         Ultimately, the JAAP will be tested at an Examination in Public before proceeding toward adoption.


Questions included:


3.10      There was much unresolved history around South Portslade and the very busy railway crossing. How would this matter be resolved to create additional housing and schools? The focus would be on Southern and Network Rail to work in partnership to produce a future plan.


3.11      What effect would the offshore wind farms have on the area? Members heard that the wind farms were 13 miles from the beach and would have relatively no impact on the area. The main concern was to ensure that the connection cable was safe.


3.12      It would be useful to have more detailed transport proposals which involved the use of passenger boats.


3.13      The Head of Planning & Public Protection presented information on Neighbourhood Plans. The Plans were introduced under the Localism Act 2011. These were community-led frameworks for the development of an area.


3.14      Martin set out the framework for preparing Neighbourhood Plans and reported on progress at Rottingdean and Hove Station and some formative ideas from other parts of the City.


3.15      PM declared an interest as she lived in the Roundhill area and was involved in a petition to reject the approval of a new development. This development had previously been rejected.


Questions raised included:


3.16      A request for the City Council to publicise its intention to respond to planning applications in neighbouring local authority areas when proposals impacted on Brighton and Hove.


3.17      The Chair thanked the Head of Planning & Public Protection and said it would be useful to invite him back for a progress update on these items.


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