Agenda item - Healthwatch

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Agenda item


Libby Young - CVSF


25.1 Libby Young, CVSF Operations Manager and Interim Healthwatch Manager outlined Healthwatch, the new health watchdog for local people: what it is, and what it does. Leaflets and Healthwatch magazine were circulated and full details are on the website.


25.2 A shadow board for Healthwatch will be set up in the autumn with the intention of full governing arrangements being established by April 2014. Healthwatch will


1. Obtain the views of people about local health and care services, and make those views known to those involved in commissioning, providing and monitoring health and care services


2. Promote and enable the involvement of local people in the commissioning and provision of local health and care services and how they are monitored


3. Recommend investigation or special review of services, either via Healthwatch England, or directly to the Care Quality Commission


4. Provide advice, signposting and information to the public about accessing health and care services and help them to make informed choices about which services to use


5. Write reports and make recommendations about how health and care services could or should be improved and ask for responses from providers


6. Play a role in the preparation of the statutory Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies on which local commissioning decisions will be made


7. Provide an Independent Complaints Advocacy Service which empowers anyone who wishes to resolve a complaint about healthcare commissioned and/or provided by the NHS in England


25.3 Healthwatch has organised a public meeting at the Audrey Emerton Buiding, Royal Sussex County Hospital at 6pm - 8pm on 2 July to talk about its Hospital project. The project is looking to improve Accident & Emergency Services as well as develop Healthwatch’s own approach to its work.  Members of the public are welcome to attend and get involved.


25.4 Libby Young answered questions on:


Building on existing experience from setting up the former Local Involvement Networks (LINks) and the implications for Brighton & Hove of the recent Francis Report into care provided by Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust


The formal constitution and independence of Healthwatch.


Monitoring improvements, following feedback via Healthwatch.


The role of OPC re; Healthwatch and who are Healthwatch responsible to?


25.5 The Chair Jack Hazelgrove thanked the speaker for her useful information.


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