Agenda item - Pensioner Action

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Agenda item

Pensioner Action


7.1 Sue Howley, Chair of Pensioner Action reported that Pensioner Action had not been successful in applying for funding from the Clinical Commissioning Group, that wanted to focus more on vulnerable and housebound people. This meant that 2 staff would be leaving at the end of June 2013.


7.2 Pensioner Action had been in existence for more than 22 years. Now the aim was to be positive about what had been achieved, stress the lessons learned, and ‘pass on the baton.’ The Committee hoped that volunteers could still be involved, and that public events, neighbourhood groups and the Pensioner magazine could continue, possibly in an enhanced format.


7.3 Chair of The Pensioner Editorial Committee Peter Lloyd set out the history of the magazine that provided a ‘dialogue’ between service providers and older people plus editorial comment. The magazine had been produced for more than 10 years. 4,000 copies were published three times per year and distributed free to readers in sheltered housing and libraries and council officers. Care agencies, community nurses and other volunteers also distributed the magazine. Target audience were frailer people; however it was also relevant for more active older people. A 4p reader questionnaire was being planned for the next issue to demonstrate the impact of the publication. 


7.4 Harry Steer, formerly on the editorial board, said it would be sad if a quality product had to close.


7.5 Mike Bojczuk referred to the Big Lottery Fund launching of £70 million funding in England to address social isolation and improve the lives of older people.


7.5 OPC Members asked that OPC take action to help support a future for the magazine, especially as it linked well with the Age-Friendly City agenda, equalities and community safety. Councillor Bowden would investigate alternative funding sources.


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