Agenda item - Members round up

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Agenda item

Members round up


96.1 Peter had made representations about buses, especially numbers 37 and 56.  Francis had visited several care homes. He was serving on a mental health steering group.


96.2 Jack was going to see a film on Older People’s wellbeing. He welcomed Park Crescent Clinic having a greater role in Primary Care and Mental Health provision, that would prevent people having to go to Accident and Emergency – a principle that should be extended elsewhere.


96.3 Colin had looked at the Council’s Forward Plan - a key document and needed to be followed up by OPC Members inputting to their respective Council Committees. There were advantages for OPC in attending Committees - he had been to Adult Care and Health (where Re-commissioning of Day Care Services, and Link issues eg the transition to Healthwatch were of central importance to older people), plus Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Citywide Parking Review) and would be going to Licensing and Joint Commissioning Board.


96.4 John was co-optee in the Public Toilet Provision scrutiny panel – scoping meeting on 26 November. Waste Advisory Group had been postponed.


96.5 Marion was an advisor at Age UK Brighton & Hove one day per week. She had been involved in filming at Hove Park for University research.


96.6 Harry said 20 older people had spoken to Year 7 at Portslade Community College, brought photos, answered questions eg ‘what was on TV when you were young?.’ His local LAT included young person representatives - misunderstandings between generations had been ironed out.


96.7 Val was interested in publicity and suggested ‘Silver Screen’ sessions at the Odeon and Duke of Yorks as ideal opportunities. Also asked for volunteers to take forward an older people’s float at Pride.


96.8 OPC Administration Link Councillor

Cllr Geoffrey Bowden said OPC members can receive Committee agenda within the same timescale as the Committee Members. By arranging with the Committee Chair in advance, officer briefings can be requested on issues of concern to older people. Questions have to be replied to – petitions can be presented – policy and direction of travel can be influenced. This is a good way into media coverage. He reiterated that he was keen for OPC to be a regular consultee especially regarding the Culture Committee that he Chaired. Eg issues such as Seafront Strategy, Mobile Library debate.


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