Agenda item - Audit Commission: Progress Report 2012/13

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Agenda item

Audit Commission: Progress Report 2012/13

Report of the Audit Commission (to follow)


14.1         The Committee considered a report of the Audit Commission which formed the 2011/12 progress report and briefing, and asked the Committee to review these two areas.


14.2         Councillor Ann Norman asked questions about the progress in relation to on-going problems in payroll. It was explained that the controls in the payroll system had been tested, and it had been confirmed they operated effectively; next the expenditure would need to be tested. The Council was taking all the necessary steps to resolve this matter, but it was understood that it could not be resolved straight away and would need ongoing work. The Co-Chair, Councillor Hamilton, asked that an update be provided at a future meeting.


14.3         RESOLVED – That the Committee to receive the 2011/12 external audit progress report and briefing and note the progress made.

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