Agenda item - New Committee Structure

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Agenda item

New Committee Structure


51.1 The Head of Scrutiny Tom Hook outlined the new Council Committee structure that had now replaced the Cabinet system. Each Committee would be monitored for issues and decisions affecting older people, by an OPC Member as follows:


HS, CV, MB – Adult Care & Health

PM – Economic Development and Culture

MB, JE – Housing

FT – Environment & Sustainability

JH - Policy and Resources – including Neighbourhood Councils Pilot

JE, PT - Transport

JW – Planning. Janet as OPC rep, had already been welcomed at Planning Committee

CV – Licensing

VB - Audit and Standards

CV - Overview and Scrutiny

JH, MB - Health and Wellbeing O&S


51.2 Democratic Services would be asked to add the above to the electronic despatch list including website links, diary dates etc.  In view of potential ‘digital exclusion’ the cost implications of paper copies for those without a computer would be looked at  (ACTION MvB)

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