Agenda item - Reports from Members, the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer

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Agenda item

Reports from Members, the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer


13.1Francis Tonks

·        Raised the issue of the single lift in Donald Hall Road which was out of work for 3-4 months. 30% of the residents here were elderly, of which one of these residents was a wheelchair user and another had a heart condition. There were issues with carrying shopping and climbing the stairs. It was understood that the spare parts came from Europe which caused delays. Compensation vouchers had been offered to residents.


13.2Peter Terry -

·        In connection with the breakdown of lifts, 3 lifts were out of operation at Bristol Estate. The contactors had been changed and the lifts back in operation fairly quickly. There was a 10 year programme to renovate all lifts within council residencies.


13.3Colin Vincent -

·        Attended the LiNK – for the second steering group meeting and the Toilets consultative group. Colin needed someone else to attend the next meeting on the 6 Feb. Peter agreed to attend in Colin’s place.

·        The development of care homes- there were new contract arrangements for homes supported by the Council. The next meeting would be in March. Partners that attended this meeting included Carer’s, Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society and the LiNK.


13.4Mike Bojczuk, Secretary -

·        Asked whether anyone had completed the National Audit on Dementia Care and the Palliative Care Audit? Other surveys included the neighbourhood councils.


13.5Val Brown-

·        Was back from long term sickness and was aware of the survey on neighbourhood councils. Wanted to take equality and inclusion forward.


13.6Harry Steer-

·        attended the Portslade Local Action Team (LAT) which was chaired by Cllr. Penny Gilbey.

·        Grey Matters was planning their future schedules.


13.7Jack Hazelgrove –Chair

·        Bus Users Group is being restructured.

·        Planning to attend the Pensioner Action meeting and representing the OPC on the 13 March.

·        Also would be attending the Mental Health Action Group about the closure of beds at Mill View Hospital.


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