Agenda item - TBM provisional outturn 2009 - 2010

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Agenda item

TBM provisional outturn 2009 - 2010

Report of the Director of Finance and Resources



17.1       Overview and Scrutiny Commission receives TBM information throughout the year to monitor financial performance against the budget set and the Strategy and Resources Manager presented the Targeted Budget Management provisional outturn 2009/2010 that had been reported to 17 June Cabinet.


17.2       This shows an underspend of £235,000 that allows for contributions to reserves, set out in paragraph 3.4.  At the time of budget setting an overspend of £66,000 had been expected; therefore the overall financial position of the council has improved by around £300,000.


17.3       RESOLVED  (1) That the report be noted.


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