Agenda item - Public Questions

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Agenda item

Public Questions

(The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 17 June 2010)


No public questions received as at date of publication.


4.1       The Committee considered a report of the Director of Strategy and Governance setting out a question received from Ms Lizzie Deane in the following terms:


4.2       “I am very concerned about the detrimental impact that late night drinking and anti-social behaviour is  having on the lives of  many residents of St Peter s and North Laine Ward and on other parts of the city centre.


            Since the introduction of the Licensing Act 2004 we have seen an unwelcome proliferation of on-licensed and off-licensed establishments. Of particular concern is the growing number of off-licences selling cheap, high strength booze which is attractive to street drinkers the negative impact of which is being acutely felt in the London Road area and on The Level.


            The Cumulative Impact Area is clearly a helpful tool in  limiting the number and activities of new premises. Moreover, Green councillors have gained agreement by the Council for their initiative of establishing a Responsible Licensing scheme to encourage adoption of best practice for licensees and their customers which has been welcomed by responsible sections of the trade.


            Can I ask:


-          What is being done to curb the availability of low cost and high strength alcohol?

-          When n extension to the boundary of the CIA will be made to include the North Laine and London Road area?

-          What progress is being made with the resourcing and implementation of the Responsible Licensing Scheme?”


4.3       The Chairman, Councillor Cobb thanked Ms Deane for her question and responded as follows;


            “You will see that on the agenda of this Licensing Committee meeting there are two reports which deal with the Cumulative Impact Area and with responsible licensing, items 5 and 6 on the agenda. You will note that both the Council and the Home Office have been researching responsible licensing in the report (Item 6) concerning best practice in licensed premises. This matter was discussed at the last Licensing Committee meeting when one of my colleagues, Councillor Hyde, pointed out that operating the Responsible Licensing star or scores scheme for off-licences could be counter productive by way of publicizing irresponsibly managed premises.


            As you may know, the council and its partners were awarded Beacon status for managing the night time economy and for its partnership work. Experience is that the local licensing trade is responsible and very important to the local economy. The few that let the side down are dealt with firmly under our enforcement policy. This is also reviewed in the policy report (Item 5).


            On the agenda, you will also see a progress report on the development of the Council’s third version of the Statement of Licensing Policy. Our special policy around the Cumulative Impact Area will be dealt with within that process. There must be an evidential basis for a special policy covering impact. You will see in the report that crime and disorder and public nuisance arising from licensed premises appears to be declining. This is due to a responsible licensed trade, the excellent work undertaken by Sussex Police and Operation Marble, the partnership approach and intelligence sharing between the Council and the focused way the council and particularly Licence Panels enforces the Licensing Act. The improvements in London Road are a testament to its local action team working with the authorities to address problem premises.


            The Council has limited powers to curb the availability of high strength alcohol. However, the new legislation Policing and Crime Act introduces mandatory conditions prohibiting irresponsible promotions. Licensing Authorities are not allowed to promote fixed prices. Responsible authorities must show a clear causal link between discounting and disorder to take action against irresponsible premises. The Coalition Government has indicated that it will ban the sale of alcohol below cost price and review taxation and prices to ensure that it tackles binge drinking without unfairly penalising responsible drinkers, pubs and important local industry.”


4.4       Ms Deane asked if concrete examples could be provided in the written response to be sent to her following the meeting. The Chairman referred to the reports which would be considered as part of the Committees’ business that afternoon both of which cited full details of the initiatives carried out and the on-going work being carried forward across the city.


4.5       RESOLVED - That the position be noted.

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