Agenda item - Request for a Variation of S106 dated 21 July 2004 Signed in Association with BH2003/00751/FP

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Agenda item

Request for a Variation of S106 dated 21 July 2004 Signed in Association with BH2003/00751/FP

Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).


275.1    The Committee considered a report seeking a variation to the Section 106 Agreement dated 21 July 2004 signed in relation to Application BH2003/00751/FP, Chandlers, car showroom and service centre, Victoria Road, Portslade.


275.2    The Area Planning Manager (West), Mrs Hurley gave a presentation referring to site plans and photographs indicating the area of the site to which the proposed variation related. The applicant had requested that that the requirement to provide B1 office space be removed. It was recommended that an exception be made to policies EM1 and EM3 in this instance as the applicant had made a strong case for an exception being made in this instance.  


              Questions/Matters on Which Clarification was Sought


275.3    Councillor Hamilton enquired as to the height of the office building.


275.4    Councillor Smart enquired whether it was anticipated that a noise nuisance would arise from the use of equipment associated with the site. It was explained that element of the scheme had been determined as part of the original application and did not form part of the current request to vary a requirement of the Section 106 Agreement.


275.5    Councillor Steedman enquired whether that condition had been applied in order to secure and protect the employment use. Councillor Smart sought clarification as to whether the proposed variation would result in a change to the number of jobs to be provided. It was explained that this would not be the case and that a variety of employment was provided on site. In addition to sales and office jobs, there would be a number of posts associated with the workshops and MOT test centre.


275.6    A vote was taken and Members voted unanimously that officers be authorised to complete a variation to the Section 106 Agreement.


275.7    RESOLVED - That the Committee resolves to authorise officers to complete a variation to the Section 106 Planning Agreement dated 21 July 2004 relating to land at Chandlers, Victoria Road, Portslade in the terms set out in Section 6 of the report.

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