Agenda item - Deputations

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Agenda item


(The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 9 December 2009)


A Deputation has been received from Friends of London Road Station (FLORA) - report of the Director of Strategy and Governance (copy attached)


171.1    Mrs Griffin presented a deputation on behalf of the Friends of London Road Station Old Railway Allotments (FLORA) (for copy see minute book).


171.2    The Chairman responded the submitted deputation in the following terms:


              “The Development Control Team has a responsibility to ensure that conditions attached to all permissions are discharged and where appropriate enforcement action is taken. There has already been a considerable amount of shared information and correspondence with residents in relation to this site and others in the immediate vicinity. This contact has mainly been with FLORA. The Local Development Framework Team continues to work on the development policies which guide and inform decision making on individual planning applications. FLORA has already been making submissions to inform that emerging work.”


171.3    Mrs Griffin amplified on the wording contained in her submitted Deputation and raised additional points which the Development Control Manager agreed would be addressed in the response sent to her following the meeting.


171.4    RESOLVED - That the contents of the Deputation and of the response given be received and noted.

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