Agenda item - Petitions

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Agenda item


A petition has been received from the Friends of London Road Station (FLORA)- report of the Director of Strategy and Governance (copy attached)


Contact Officer: Penny Jennings           Tel:291065

Wards Affected:


NB: This item will be dealt with in conjunction with Item --.


169A   Petition: Application BH2009/01845, 9 Challoners Close, Rottingdean


169.1    The Chairman agreed to accept the following petition received in relation to the above application which was due to be considered on that day’s agenda


              “We the undersigned, being residents of Rottingdean and occupiers of properties in the vicinity of the application suite, wish to register our strongest possible objection to the above planning application for the following reasons:

·        The gross overdevelopment of a small compressed back garden site.

·        The overbearing impact of the proposed house on the setting of “Challoners”, a listed building of great historic importance to the village, adjoining the application site.

·        The detrimental impact on the Rottingdean Conservation Area which adjoins the application site – particularly in terms of views into and out of the Conservation Area.

·        The fact that the proposed house will be entirely out of keeping and scale with its neighbours in Challoners Close in terms of design, street frontage and size to the detriment of the streetscene of the Close.

·        The unacceptable overlooking and loss of privacy the proposed house would cause to three immediate neighbouring properties - namely “Challoners”, 14 Challoners Close and 8 Northgate Close.” (160 signatures).


169.2    RESOLVED - That the contents of the petition be received and noted.


169B     Petition from Friends of London Road Station Old Railway Allotments (FLORA)


169.3    The Chairman referred to the above petition containing 213 signatures which had formed the subject of a report circulated with the main agenda (for copy see minute book).


169.4    RESOLVED - That the contents of the petition be received and noted.

Supporting documents:


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