Agenda item - School Admissions Arrangements for 2011/12

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Agenda item

School Admissions Arrangements for 2011/12

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).


1.       That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents be adopted for the admissions year 2011/12.


2.       That the exceptional circumstances admission priority be retained for all age groups, but is applied more rigorously with a stronger burden of proof of the need for admission to the school in question.


3.       That a new admission priority be applied to the junior admission exercise where there are linked infant and junior schools (new priority 4).  At the same time the limit of 2 miles placed on the sibling link for primary schools be removed.


4.       That the proposed Voluntary Aided School admission arrangements be noted as conforming to the requirements of the Admissions Code.


5.       That the co-ordinated schemes of admission, including schemes for in-year admission, be approved.


6.       That the City boundary be retained as the relevant area for consultation for school admissions.



47.1         The Head of Admissions and Transport presented a report on the proposed School Admissions Arrangements for 2011/12. The report recommended:



1.         That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents be adopted for the admissions year 2011/12.


2.         That the exceptional circumstances admission priority be retained for all age groups, but is applied more rigorously with a stronger burden of proof of the need for admission to the school in question.


3.         That a new admission priority be applied to the junior admission exercise where there are linked infant and junior schools (new priority 4).  At the same time the limit of 2 miles placed on the sibling link for primary schools be removed.


4.         That the proposed Voluntary Aided School admission arrangements be noted as conforming to the requirements of the Admissions Code.


5.         That the co-ordinated schemes of admission, including schemes for in-year admission, be approved.


6.                  That the City boundary be retained as the relevant area for consultation for school admissions.



47.2         Councillor Pat Hawkes welcomed the recommendations of the report.


47.3         Councillor Rachel Fryer added that the proposals make sense and enquired about the assessment of the categorisation of exceptional circumstances.


47.4         The Head of Admissions and Transport responded that there had been concerns about the volume and authenticity of some applications under exceptional circumstances. Through consultation, it had been decided that the exceptional circumstances clause be retained but applied more rigorously and that a medical condition should not necessarily be a guarantee of admission.


47.5         Councillor Fryer asked whether voluntary aided faith schools offered any community places to children not of that faith.


47.6         The Head of Admissions and Transport clarified that St Andrews was the only faith school to follow this procedure. 20 per cent of places allocated at St Andrews were community admissions which equated to around 12 places.


47.7         Councillor Fryer asked if there would be further discussions with faith schools about this procedure.


47.8         The Head of Admissions and Transport responded that whilst faith schools were required to consider how their admission arrangements impacted on the local community they could not be required to offer community places.  


47.9         RESOLVED- That the Cabinet Member accept the proposals in the report on School Admission Arrangements for 2011/12.

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