Agenda for Community Safety Forum on Monday, 10th June, 2013, 4.00pm

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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Nathan Birch  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Procedural Business

    (a)         Declaration of Substitutes: Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


    (b)         Declarations of Interest:


    (a)         Disclosable pecuniary interests not registered on the register of interests;

    (b)         Any other interests required to be registered under the local code;

    (c)         Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.


    In each case, you need to declare

    (i)           the item on the agenda the interest relates to;

    (ii)         the nature of the interest; and

    (iii)       whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.


    If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.


    (d)         Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.


       NOTE:  Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.


    A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.


    1          Appointment of Chair for the Meeting


    1.1       Councillor Mac Cafferty proposed Councillor Deane and this was seconded by Councillor Wakefield.


    1.2       RESOLVED – Councillor Deane was appointed Chair for the meeting.


    1a        Declaration of Substitutes


    1.3       Councillor Marsh declared that she was substituting for Councillor Morgan and Councillor Deane declared that she was substituting for Councillor J Kitcat.


    There were also apologies received from Gail Gray (RISE); Mark Matthews (East Sussex Fire Authority)


    1b       Declarations of Interest


    1.4       There were none.


    1c        Exclusion of the Press and Public


    1.5       I accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (‘the Act’), the Community Safety Forum considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press or public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100I of the Act).


    1.6       RESOLVED - That the press and public not be excluded from the meeting.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 86 KB

    Minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2013.


    2.1       RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Community Safety Forum meeting held on 25 February 2013 be agreed and signed as a correct record.


Chair's Communications


    3.1       Refreshing of the community safety partnership Website is now complete and arrangements in place to ensure it is always up to date. You can access it through There is easy access to reporting arrangements (for anti-social behaviour. crimes and incidents) and information about the work of partnership services including the work of Local Action Teams. This is your website so please do regard it as your resource and let us know if you need help with accessing or using it 


    3.2       The Police & Crime Commissioner has published her Police & Crime Plan for 2013 to 2017 and we are working very closely with the Office of the PCC and with community safety colleagues in East and West Sussex to ensure we our crime and safety priorities are complementary and integrated where that produces the best solutions to crime and safety problems 


    3.3       Since the tragic events in Woolwich some weeks ago and the increased public presence of the English Defence League, we have increased the arrangements we already had in place to monitor tensions and any difficulties in the city that could in any way threaten all public safety. We have been in constant contact with the community leaders of the Muslim Forum and Mosques and Dr. Yagoub who is Chair of our Racial Harassment Forum to provide re-assurance to the Muslim and all faith communities. On Wednesday of this week, our Chief Executive, Superintendent Neville Kemp and community safety staff are meeting with those community leaders to talk about what more we can do to help provide re-assurance and to listen to the concerns that they have.


Public Involvement

    To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


    (a)         Petitions: to receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full council or at the meeting itself;

    (b)         Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on 3 June 2013

    (c)         Deputations: to receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on 3 June 2013


    4.1       There was none advised.


Member Involvement

    To consider the following matters raised by councillors:


    (a)         Petitions: to receive any petitions submitted to the full Council or at the meeting itself;

    (b)         Written Questions: to consider any written questions;

    (c)         Letters: to consider any letters;

    (d)         Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee.


    5.1       There was none advised.


Community Safety Issues Raised by Members and Community Representatives

    This standing item will provide an opportunity for relevant issues to be raised or updated on.


    6.1       Councillor Bowden raised the issue of arson attacks on Islamic buildings in London following the murderer of Drummer Lee Rigby. Councillor Bowden asked if there were any special measures in place to protect such buildings within Brighton & Hove. He also enquired if the use of the city by the March for England for demonstrations remained appropriate following the use of the seafront for the St Georges Day March. Councillor Bowden pointed out that traders on the seafront had been severely affected by this years march and did believe the route had been well thought out.


    6.2       Ch Spt Kemp advised the Forum that a Community Impact Assessment had been carried out and the local Imans had been contacted to offer advice and receive feedback on potential issues. Meetings had also been held with Brighton & Hove City Council involving the Chief Executive and Community Safety Commissioner. There had been an initial police presence at some locations, but this has been scaled back with community agreement. The Forum was advised that there was no specific local intelligence regarding potential attacks. Regarding demonstrations, Ch. Spt Kemp confirmed the Sussex Police view that their duties included facilitating peaceful protests or marches. The location for the St George’s Day March had been carefully considered and included consultation. Because of the containment involved the police had greatly reduced levekls of violence from previous years by shortening the march and keeping protesters away from the city centre. The Police were open to having a wider ranging debate across the city to find the best location for any future march. He reiterated that the police had no powers to ban such demonstrations, merely to direct and locate any assembly. Only local authority can request a ban from the Home Secretary and this had to be on the grounds that it would be impossible to police the event.


    6.3       The Commissioner Community Safety said that her team and the police had been in regular communication. They would continue to offer support to local communities to protect premises as required and would meet again later in the week. It was also reported that a meeting had been held immediately after the March for England event. Initial reports from community groups believed the policing had been successful. It was agreed that a report would help guide future policing of such events. The cost of policing the event had not exceeded 1% of the total police budget, so under Home Office guidelines no additional funding was available.


    6.4       Ms Brennan pointed out that residents at Clarendon Mansions had found themselves within a controlled area on the day. They had had cars towed and effectively housebound from 09:30 until mid afternoon. She believed such impacts on the community had to be considered better.


    6.5       Ch Spt Kemp agreed these were valid points and agreed that the police would engage better with the local community on such issues in future.


    6.6       Councillor Barnett believed that the police had worked effectively on the March for England event, but that the city should not welcome such demonstrations. She believed that the use of The Level may be more appropriate in future.


    6.7       Ch Spt Kemp advised that there was a huge amount of planning involved in such events. Using The Level could itself prove problematic, but the location of events was constantly under review.


    6.8       Mr Tonks had spoken with traders who advised him that both sides had been “out for a fight” and many of these had been people from outside of Brighton & Hove. He believed banning such divisive demonstrations was the only way, as has happened in some other cities, because the far right posed an increasing threat, particularly to the Muslim community.


    6.9       Ch Spt Kemp stated that the police intelligence was that it was approximately 50% of demonstrators came from within the city. He believed it was the dynamic of demonstration and counter demonstration that led to the threat of violence.


    6.10    Mr Gandy raised the issue of response times to the 101 number being inadequate. In Bevendean elderly residents in particular had previously been calling PCSO’s, via the officer mobile phones. The officer had now been told they could use their mobiles and this, allied to the 101 slow response times, was causing concern.


    6.11    Councillor Marsh was also unhappy at the removal of mobile phones from PCSO’s and the ability to residents to get a speedy response. She asked for reassurance that they will be issued once more. Councillor Simson had personal experience of using the 101 number and the waiting time had of over 20 minutes was unacceptable. She agreed that the use of mobile phones by PCSO’s was vital.


    6.12    Ch Spt Kemp was aware that initial 101 response times had been slow, but these were now improving. He was unaware of the mobile phones being removed from PCSO’s and he agreed to look into this and report back.


National Community Safety Initiatives Which Impact Locally: Standing Item


    7.3       None advised.


Community Trigger pdf icon PDF 577 KB


    8.1       The Forum received the report and presentation from Peter Castleton, Community Safety Manager. The Community Trigger considered a harm based approach and looked to achieve better understanding with residents about what can be achieved regarding anti social behaviour (ASB). Community Trigger was becoming an integral part of dealing with ASB. The report contained details how the process worked and the outcome of the initial uses.


    8.2       Councillor noted the great variety of cases and the use of the process in managing expectations. The Community Trigger appeared to bring a range of service users and providers together. The current system was mainly online based and Councillor Simson asked if alternatives could be explored to ensure that the most vulnerable and disenfranchised groups can access the process.


    8.3       Mr Castleton advised that residents can also access the 01273 29273 line to access the Community Trigger process. Police and ASB officers could also activate the process if the threshold was reached. The process was also being used to monitor hate crimes.


    8.4       Councillor Bowden asked if the process considered the types of perpetrators and if they were local to the city.


    8.5       Mr Castleton highlighted that almost all ASB was neighbour/local resident based. There were often common threads such as mental health or local neighbourhood issues.


    8.6       Ms Tikly asked if with the new health reforms the Director of Health had been involved in the Community Trigger process.


    8.7       Mr Castleton confirmed that he Director of Pubclic Health had been contacted and the aim was to make this a fully joined up system.


    8.8       RESOLVED – The report was noted.


Local Issues: Standing Item


Community Safety Partnership Performance for 2012/13: Crime Trends and Performance pdf icon PDF 167 KB


    9.1       Linda Beanlands, Commissioner Community Safety, presented the report contained within the agenda. The following paragraphs were highlighted:

    ·        3.1       The long term decline in crime had levelled out, but still showed an overall decline.

    ·        3.3       There was meeting of the Local Action Team (LAT) chairs next week and the LAT’s had been excellent in helping reduce crime in their local areas.

    ·        3.4       Community Safety Projects had improved substantially.

    ·        3.6       The reduction in drug related deaths was expected to continue.

    ·        3.10    There was an emphasis on the health care needs of potential re-offenders, a high proportion of which were mental health needs. Better assessment was leading to improved treatments and it was hoped to report on this at a later date.

    ·        3.12    There was mixed news on the alcohol related crime and injuries.

    ·        3.17    On ASB there was again mixed news. Further reporting may be needed and the public would be encouraged to use the 01273 292735 line.

    ·        3.22    There is no longer a national Safe and Well at School Survey, but the council continued to carry out its own work.

    ·        3.25    Concerns remain about the level of domestic violence (DV) prosecutions being withdrawn.

    ·        3.27    The change of the DV age definition was highlighted.

    ·        3.28    The increase in sexual offences may in part, be down to greater reporting of historical crimes.

    ·        3.31    The increase in reporting of hate crimes was to be welcomed and may be down to the excellent work that had been done to encourage reporting.


    9.2       Councillor Simson highlighted several issues. She wondered if further literature could be produced to promote the LAT’s; the under reporting of crime remained a problem; the increase in sexual offences was of concern; vehicle crime was at a low level but rising.


    9.3       Ms Beanlands agreed to report directly to members regarding LAT materials. She reiterated that many of the sexual offences reported were older than 28 days and agreed that future reports could show this split. On car crime the police did not see this as at a low level and would continue to monitor.


    9.4       In response to a question from the floor Ch Spt Kemp confirmed that a guilty verdict was the guide the police used for a “successful outcome” to a DV case. Judgements as to whether to proceed to prosecution remained with the Crown Prosecution Service. He also confirmed to Councillor Bowden that DV cases also included reports from the LGBT community.


    9.5       Councillor Barnett asked if PCSO’s could attend incidents of car crime where damage had been caused to a vehicle to offer reassurance. Ch Spt Kemp agreed that in areas of targeted damage reassurance was required. The issue of PCSO’s attending routinely was a matter of capacity and the police were already looking at producing a burglary follow up scheme.


    9.6       Mr Gandy welcomed the reductions in crime, but was also concerned about under reporting, especially with the issues around the 101 line. He believed the LAT’s had an important role to play in raising awareness to aid crime reduction. He added that the PCSO’s were also an excellent resource to aid with this work.


    9.7       Councillor Carden highlighted that the flow information between police, LAT’s and councillors was vital to help raise awareness and improve crime reduction.


    9.8       Ms Beanlands agreed to produce a report to the next meeting to aid discussion on crime reporting issues.


Reducing Burglaries: Successful Approaches - Presentation by Sussex Police


    9.9       The meeting received a presentation from Detective Inspector Claire Shiel. Reported burglaries in Brighton & Hove were below the national average. Despite this there had been a spike in burglaries reported during the period December 2012 – February 2013. Because of this appropriate resources were used, two significant arrests were made and the reported figures have reduced accordingly. For future the future planning the police are looking at shared resources with other forces in the south east. There is also a move towards a more predictive nature of deploying resources when particular individual or gangs are operating.


    9.10    To help raise awareness working with community groups such as meals on wheels, such as has taken place in Hertfordshire, was under consideration. The use of social media to raise awareness with groups open to burglary, such as students, was also to be used. Improving intelligence from the wider community is always welcome. The police are looking to monitor the potential sources for selling of stolen goods, such as second hand stores, ebay and Gumtree. In Kent the Medway Council Act requires second hand stores and pawn brokers to take much greater detail of the sellers and something similar would be welcome in Brighton & Hove.


    9.11    Improved spot checks on known routes of burglars will also be used by the police. Many offenders are high risk repeat burglars and intelligence on their movements will be shared between forces. At the other end of the spectrum youth offenders, while sometimes difficult to deal with, are to be monitored in partnership with the Probation Service and hopefully diverted away from crime.


    9.12    Drug testing in custody, along with compulsory rehabilitation and monitoring should aid with removing the need for some individuals to reoffend. There is also the Band of Brothers mentoring scheme for 16-24 year olds. The burglary unit are a dedicated team, who will aim to use all the ideas outlined, but continue to arrest and charge perpetrators accordingly.


    9.13    Councillor Bowden wondered how drink related offenders are treated as opposed to drug user offenders. DI Shiel stated that drink is a recognised cause for offences and offenders need treating accordingly.


    9.14    In response to a question from Councillor Wakefield DI Shiel confirmed that the police do not target vans in their stop search routines, but the vehicles of known burglars or vehicles with relevant intelligence.


    9.15    Councillor Simson believes that a lack of consequences led to low level crime such as shoplifting, which could lead to burglary. DI Shiel that arrests and the increased use of CCTV would aid in slowing this potential route to other offences.


Dealing with Violence Against Women & Girls - Presentation by Commissioner for Community Safety


    9.16    The report was deferred to a future meeting.


Sussex Police & Crime Panel: Minutes of the Meeting Held on 11 January 2013; 7 February 2013 & 4 April 2013 pdf icon PDF 51 KB


East Sussex Fire Authority: Minutes of the Meeting Held on 7 February 2013 pdf icon PDF 94 KB


    11.1    RESOLVED – That the contents of the minutes be noted.


Dates of Future Meetings

    The remaining dates for the 2013/14 municipal year:


    • 7 October 2013
    • 9 December 2013
    • 3 March 2014


    12.1    RESOLVED - The dates of future meetings be noted.


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