Issue - items at meetings - 'Section 75 Arrangements': an Overview

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Issue - meetings

'Section 75 Arrangements': an Overview

Meeting: 22/04/2009 - Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (discontinued) (Item 89)

89 Section 75 Arrangements: an Overview pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Director of Strategy and Governance (copy attached)

Additional documents:


89.1    Darren Grayson, Chief Executive of NHS Brighton & Hove, and Denise D’Souza, Director of Community Care, Brighton & Hove City Council, answered members’ questions on this topic.


89.2    In response to a query on how pooled budgets are negotiated, members were told that service solutions are co-designed and jointly commissioned, but paid for on an eligibility basis, with reference to national frameworks (e.g. the Local Authority and the PCT will generally each fund a budget in accordance with their statutory liabilities for a particular service).


89.3    Councillor Kevin Allen pointed out that elements of this report were of relevance to other Overview & Scrutiny committees, and that the report should therefore be forwarded to them.


89.4    RESOLVED – That the Section 75 report should be referred for information to the Adult Social Care and Housing and the Children and Young People’s Overview & Scrutiny Committees.


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