Issue - items at meetings - Performance Q2

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Issue - meetings

Performance Q2

Meeting: 20/01/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 71)

71 Performance Improvement Report: Quarter Two: 2008 - 2009 pdf icon PDF 390 KB

Report of the Director of Strategy and Governance.

Additional documents:


71.1 The Head of Performance and Improvement introduced the performance improvement report for Quarter 2 of 2008 /2009 and gave further information on progress where performance was not on track, denoted in colour as ‘red’ direction of travel. More details including the action plans were available.


71.2 Members were concerned about road traffic deaths, and the potential impact of the recession on key services including drug and alcohol issues, older people’s services and on voluntary organisations. Indicators LI 23 - bringing empty properties back into use;  NI 163 – working age population qualifications and NI 112  - under 18 conception; were also discussed.


71.3 RESOLVED; that officers be asked to report back to the Commission on the potential effects of the recession on performance to include consideration of voluntary, statutory and business sectors.



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