Issue - items at meetings - DIGNITY AND RESPECT AT WORK

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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/12/2008 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 63)

63 Dignity and Respect at Work pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Report of the Director of Strategy and Governance


63.1 The Head of Human Resources introduced the report on progress in developing an effective approach to bullying and harassment at work. He said the first meeting of the working group was due shortly.


63.2 Answering questions, the Head of Human Resources said this was a low-level issue for the council but where it happened it was not necessarily dealt with effectively. There had been 17 cases this year; two of which had been proven and the employee dismissed. One employment tribunal had taken place, which found in favour of the Council.


63.3 The Chairman said she was disappointed not to see a draft policy at this stage and would like to follow up the matter.


63.4 Noting the proposed consultation process for developing the policy [report paragraph 4.4], the Commission agreed it would be appropriate for Members to be involved at an earlier stage in drafting the policy.


63.5 Following discussion it was agreed that the Commission would establish a short-term scrutiny panel as part of its policy development role. The Head of Human Resources welcomed this.


63.7 RESOLVED – (1) That a 4-Member scrutiny panel be established to make recommendations regarding the Draft Dignity and Respect at Work Policy.


(2) That the Acting Head of Scrutiny be notified of group nominations, and progress the establishment of the Scrutiny Panel.


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