Issue - items at meetings - Market Position Statement: Adult Social Care Intentions

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Market Position Statement: Adult Social Care Intentions

Meeting: 25/11/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 41)

41 Market Position Statement: Adult Social Care Intentions pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Adult Services (copy attached).


(1)       That the key messages in the summary document attached in Appendix 1:  Market Position Statement: Adult Social Care Intentions be noted.



41.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Adult Services informed members that the Department of Health had urged Local Authorities to create a Market Position Statement that would be useful for providers of care services in planning their businesses.    The Market Position Statement would outline what adult social care services Brighton & Hove City Council would commission in the future, and what services the council would need to provide directly.  A completed market position statement would be presented to Adult Care & Health Committee in March 2014.


41.2    The Head of Commissioning & Partnerships set out the report and stressed the need for a different way of working to make best use of declining resources.  She referred to paragraph 6 of Appendix 1, concerning Adult Social Care’s commitment in challenging times.  She highlighted the need to commission services that offered more choice and more flexible support to individuals and exploring cost effective and innovative accommodation solutions to meet individual outcomes.


41.3    RESOLVED - (1)      That the key messages in the summary document attached in Appendix 1:  Market Position Statement: Adult Social Care Intentions be noted.



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