Issue - items at meetings - Think Family Pathfinder

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Issue - meetings

Think Family Pathfinder

Meeting: 09/06/2008 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 11)

11 Think Family Pathfinder pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

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RESOLVED – The Board notes the ‘Think Family’ Pathfinder project and the commitment to keep the Board informed of progress.


11.1       The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services relating to Think Family Pathfinder, which provided information on Brighton & Hove’s successful bid to be a Family Pathfinder and the project’s aims to improve outcomes for the most disadvantaged families in the city (for copy see minute book).


11.2       The Chairman and members of the Board welcomed the report.


11.3       Councillor Hawkes indicated that the issue of teenage pregnancy should be included as one of the areas to be considered in this project. She also requested that anonymised case studies be collated on this pathfinder project to give a better picture of the overall situation. The Chairman concurred with Councillor Hawkes’s proposal and requested that officers took this into consideration.


11.4       David Standing, Community Voluntary Sector Forum, was concerned about the lack of involvement from the voluntary sector on the design of the consultation, but was pleased to find that the voluntary sector would be brought on board at a later stage.


11.5       James Dougan, Assistant Director East Area, Early Years & NHS Commissioning, clarified that, even though officers would be working differently across the sectors, they were not developing a new strategy or a new project. The aim was about rescheduling the services that already exist.


11.6       Councillor Marsh indicated that she had requested that health implications be covered in reports brought to the CYPTB and that she would still like this information included in future. The Chairman and the Director of Children’s Services assured her that officers’ aims were to structure the Council’s agenda to better include and reflect the partnership between all the bodies on the CYPTB.


11.7       RESOLVED – The Board notes the ‘Think Family’ Pathfinder project and the commitment to keep the Board informed of progress.


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