Issue - items at meetings - Nomination of a SHWB member to represent the Board to the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Local Education & Training Board

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Issue - meetings

Nomination of a SHWB member to represent the Board to the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Local Education & Training Board

Meeting: 05/12/2012 - Shadow Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 25)

25 Nomination of a Member to represent the SHWB to the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Local Education & Training Board pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Report of Director of Public Health (copy attached).

Additional documents:


25.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health which explained that the Local Education & Training Boards (LETB) were part of the new NHS structures, working alongside NHS providers to manage and co-ordinate NHS training on a regional basis.  The Kent, Surrey & Sussex LETB had written to all Shadow Health & Wellbeing Boards in its patch requesting that the SHWBs each nominate a board member to act as the board’s representative in dealings with the LETB. 


25.2    Robert Brown asked if the Local Education and Training Board would be looking to deliver training on a multi-agency basis and whether local education providers would be involved such as the Friends Centre, the Whitehawk Inn and Bridge.  


25.3    Robert Brown further asked how the Board would ensure that local people would benefit the most from training opportunities.  


25.4    Geraldine Hoban replied that she would be happy to be the Board’s representative to the LETB.  She had attended a stakeholder event on this matter last week.  Ms Hoban did not know the level at which the LETB offered training.  However it seemed quite a high level.  She would find out and share what she learnt with the Board.  


25.5    Tom Scanlon stated that he would collaborate with Ms Hoban on this matter.


25.6    The Chair stated that Geraldine Hoban could report back to the Board at what level the LETB were operating.


25.7    RESOLVED – (1)     That it be agreed to nominate the CCG Chief Operating Officer to represent the Board to the Local Education & Training Boards (LETB).



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