Issue - items at meetings - Accelerated Workstyles

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Issue - meetings

Accelerated Workstyles

Meeting: 11/10/2012 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 60)

60 Accelerated Workstyles pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the options appraisals for accelerated workstyles and the two possible future options as set out in the report at Section 3 be noted;


(2)               That the Strategic Director Place be granted delegated authority to carry out soft market testing and further development of the detailed business case, design, initial consultations and preparatory works to test out for the preferred options; and


(3)               That the Strategic Director Place be instructed to report back to Policy & Resources Committee on the outcome of the measures described in (2) above.


60.1         The Head of Property and Design introduced the report which detailed the progress of the Workstyles Transformation project and the recent work, options appraisals and analysis undertaken to accelerate and potentially integrate the corporate Workstyles programme and next phases.  She noted that in seeking to take the project forward, the committee’s views were sought on options 3 and 4 listed in the report.


60.2         The Chair stated that a lot of work had been undertaken and he wished to thank the officers involved for that and noted that a number of benefits had already been achieved.


60.3         Councillor Mitchell welcomed the report and stated that she supported the recommendations and was mindful that more work was required and hoped that this could be progressed.  She also queried whether consideration had been given to the front facing part of Kings House being used as a hotel should a decision be taken to vacate it.


60.4         The Head of Property and Design stated that whilst there was a potential for Hotel use, the sale of Kings House for Housing was likely to generate a greater capital receipt.


60.5         The Chair noted that various options would be considered and further reports brought to committee and therefore put the recommendations to the vote.


60.6         RESOLVED:


(1)         That the options appraisals for accelerated workstyles and the two possible future options as set out in the report at Section 3 be noted;


(2)         That the Strategic Director Place be granted delegated authority to carry out soft market testing and further development of the detailed business case, design, initial consultations and preparatory works to test out for the preferred options; and


(3)         That the Strategic Director Place be instructed to report back to Policy & Resources Committee on the outcome of the measures described in (2) above.


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