Issue - items at meetings - Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership 12 Month Activity Report

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Issue - meetings

Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership 12 Month Activity Report

Meeting: 10/09/2012 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee. (Item 14)

14 Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership 12 Month Activity Report pdf icon PDF 160 KB


14.1 Roger French OBE DL Chair of the Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership (BHSP) introduced the 12-month activity report for the over-arching Partnership that brought together different parts of the public sector as well as private, business, community and voluntary, having a co-ordinating role for wide-ranging work across the city.


14.2 BHSP was responsible for developing and driving action on the Sustainable City Strategy, launched in May 2010 that would be re-visited again during 2013 – 2014. It was well-placed to facilitate  discussions around controversial issues. In the context of recent weekend traffic congestion - organising and progressing the relatively new Transport Partnership was a particular focus of work at present, bringing together all interested parties around the table.


14.3 The City Council was represented on all the family of partnerships that were all highly active. There was close working with overview and scrutiny on city-wide issues.


14.4 Roger French said the Partnership was vibrant and positive. An external audit showed the Partnership to be good, strong and mature. He described the review of the Partnership structure that was now looking at groupings under headings of ‘Policy’ ‘Outcome’ and ‘Delivery’ and outlined latest developments for example the City Performance Plan, City Engagement Partnership and Citytracker survey.


14.5 The Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Strategy had been agreed and the Inward Investment Prospectus should be signed off by the year end.


14.6 Answering questions: Roger French said the BHSP did indeed work ‘smartly,’ was strategic but aware of the detail and could show that it achieved its objectives.


14.7 Regarding the alcohol intelligent commissioning pilot and membership of the related programme board, it was noted that a joint scrutiny review with HWOSC would be considered later in this agenda within the OSC Work plan.


14.8 The Urban Biosphere project showed the strength of the Partnership approach; it was supported unanimously and was a credit to those involved and to the City as a whole.


14.9 Head of Partnership and External Relations Simon Newell answered a question from the Chair Councillor Warren Morgan on attracting inward investment in environmental industries and all business sectors. The City’s proximity to Gatwick airport was an attraction for overseas investment. The prospectus was available on the BHSP website and due to be launched formally at the October meeting of the Economic Partnership.


14.10 Councillor Follett who served on the Transport Partnership said this was of great benefit and a good example to enable informed conversations on the challenges faced by the City. He was optimistic about the Partnership work in Brighton & Hove and it should be applauded, he said.


14.11 On behalf of the Committee the Chair Councillor Warren Morgan thanked Roger French for presenting the report and answering questions.




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