Issue - items at meetings - Voluntary Dedication of Land under the CRoW Act

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Issue - meetings

Voluntary Dedication of Land under the CRoW Act

Meeting: 11/10/2012 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 59)

59 Voluntary Dedication of Land under the CRoW Act pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the dedication of land identified below as public access land into perpetuity under procedures set out in the CRoW Act be authorised:


·        1. Land at Ditchling Road (37.07 hectares)

·        2. Patcham Court (Patcham Court Valley) (96.32 hectares)

·        3. Patcham Court (Scare Hill & Tegdown North)  (178.58 hectares)

·        4. Land at Plumpton  (27.29 hectares).


59.1         The Head of Property & Design introduced the report and stated that it supported the objectives of the Corporate Plan to have a more sustainable city and provide greater access across the download, promoting healthy living.  She stated that the CRoW Act enabled the authority to open up the download with measures in place.


59.2         The Chair welcomed the report and thanked the officers involved in enabling this to happen.


59.3         Councillor West stated that it was very good news and he hoped would see greater use of the area in question and raise awareness of the benefits of enabling greater access for residents of the city.


59.4         Councillor G. Theobald stated that he welcomed the report in principle but queried whether the loss of rent revenue could have been reduced through negotiations with the tenant farmer.


59.5         The Head of Property and Design offered to provide Councillor Theobald with a briefing note on the process of enabling the land to be released.


59.6         The Chair noted that a briefing note would be given to Councillor Theobald and put the recommendations to the vote.


59.7         RESOLVED: That the dedication of land identified below as public access land into perpetuity under procedures set out in the CRoW Act be authorised:


·               1. Land at Ditchling Road (37.07 hectares)

·               2. Patcham Court (Patcham Court Valley) (96.32 hectares)

·               3. Patcham Court (Scare Hill & Tegdown North)  (178.58 hectares)

·               4. Land at Plumpton (27.29 hectares).


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