Issue - items at meetings - Proposal for Budget Scrutiny Panel

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Issue - meetings

Proposal for Budget Scrutiny Panel

Meeting: 10/09/2012 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee. (Item 18)

18 Proposal for Budget Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 75 KB

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18.1 Introducing the report proposing a Budget Scrutiny Panel the Head of Scrutiny Tom Hook said the 2012/2013 budget scrutiny process has been the best so far especially since the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum (CVSF) had been closely involved. It was being proposed this year to include an additional co-optee from the business sector.


18.2 The Chair Councillor Warren Morgan had been contacted by CVSF regarding appointing co-optees to the Panel.


18.3 Members commented on the purpose and focus of scrutinising the budget as set out in report paras 3.7 – 3.9 and welcomed CVSF feedback in the 2012/2013 budget scrutiny review. The meeting heard that co-optees received officer advice and briefings but were not provided with funding.


18.4 Councillor Ken Norman, Chair of this year’s Panel said it was a helpful process; all Cabinet Members and Strategic Directors had been invited to speak on each area of the budget, and the CVSF had raised important questions.


18.5 The Head of Scrutiny clarified that Committee Chairs and senior officers would be called on to give their evidence with opportunities for in-depth questions and challenge to the proposals.


18.6 RESOLVED;  1) that a Scrutiny Panel be established to consider 2013- 2014 budget proposals.


2) that the Head of Scrutiny in consultation with the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of OSC and HWOSC, be delegated to find co-opted members from the community and voluntary, and business sectors, to the serve on the Panel.




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