Issue - items at meetings - Audit Commission: Annual Audit Letter 2010/11

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Issue - meetings

Audit Commission: Annual Audit Letter 2010/11

Meeting: 20/12/2011 - Audit Committee (Item 47)

47 Audit Commission: Annual Audit Letter 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Report of the Audit Commission (copy attached).

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RESOLVED- That the Audit Committee notes the 2010/11 Annual Audit Letter.


47.1.         The Committee considered a report of the Audit Commission that summarised their findings from the 2010/11 audit.  This comprised of the audit of the financial statements and assessment of the Council’s VfM arrangements as well as a summary of the current and future challenges facing the Council.


47.2.         The Chairman noted his concern regarding the significant weaknesses identified in payroll system and the additional work necessary to gain assurance. He asked the District Auditor if their recommendations to improve internal financial control had been accepted.


47.3.         The District Auditor replied that their recommendations were being followed up. The Director of Finance added that there would be increased internal audits carried out in this area.


47.4.         RESOLVED- That the Audit Committee notes the 2010/11 Annual Audit Letter.




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