Issue - items at meetings - Review of services for children with disabilities

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Issue - meetings

Review of services for children with disabilities

Meeting: 17/01/2011 - Children & Young People Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 64)

Review of services for children with disabilities

Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy attached).

Additional documents:




1)     That the Cabinet Member notes the progress in relation to the timescales set out in the review scoping paper.


2)     That the Cabinet Member approves the Commissioning Strategy and Transformation plan thus sanctioning the action plans to be taken forward.




64.1         The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director, People. The report enabled the Cabinet Member to monitor progress of the Children and Young People’s Plan and the Section 75 Improvement Plan. The Commissioning Strategy and Transformation Plan were also submitted for the Cabinet Member’s approval.


64.2         Councillor Hawkes praised the report authors for their work so far but asked that any uncertainty over the contribution from the Primary Care Trust be addressed.


64.3         Councillor Fryer asked if the direct payments were intended to go straight to carers and if so, would assistance with financial planning be given if required.


64.4         The Strategic Commissioner confirmed that payments would go straight to parents. Those that might require help were identified and referred to an advisory group for help.


64.5         RESOLVED-


1)     That the Cabinet Member notes the progress in relation to the timescales set out in the review scoping paper.


2)     That the Cabinet Member approves the Commissioning Strategy and Transformation plan thus sanctioning the action plans to be taken forward.




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