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Meeting: 14/12/2010 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 55)

55 Half-yearly Progress Summary on the 2008-11 Local Area Agreement and Q2 Organisational Health Report pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Report of the Strategic Director for Resources (copy attached).


Additional documents:


55.1 The Chairman told the meeting that the half-Year Progress Summary on the 2008-2011 LAA 2010/11 and Q2 Organisational Health Report was a late paper not included on the OSC front agenda page and had been circulated as an addendum. It had been considered at 9 December Cabinet.


55.2 Paula Black the Head of Performance and Analysis explained that there would be one further, final report on the LAA at the end of year.


55.3 The Local Area Agreement (2008 – 2011), the set of indicators agreed with partners for monitoring and delivering over the three years, is now in its final year. Discussions with partners were in hand on what the City will have to replace the LAA.


55.4.There was an associated action plan and each indicator was owned by a partner or an internal team who was responsible to deliver improved performance. The Performance and Analysis team had a performacne improvement role and also prompted, supported and collaborated with teams in providing monitoring data.


55.5 National government did not now require formal reporting but the data was still being collected for purposes of accountability and ownership of actions within the delivery plan. Some 1500 pieces of information are still required to be provided regularly; for example around safeguarding


55.6 The new national performance framework was likely to have more flexibility at local level.


55.7 The LAA had achieved a lot and officers and partners working in this area were to be congratulated. Some strengths included reduction of reported bullying in schools, helping vulnerable people to live independently and reducing fuel poverty. Areas that were off-track had action plans and activities in place.


55.8 The organisational health report was about the Council itself. Some Human Resources information was missing at present because of migration to a new system and data comparability issues.


55.9 Asked abut the next steps in developing a local framework for performance accountability and monitoring, the Head of Performance and Analysis said that there were two pieces of work to be done; reporting and monitoring in the period immediately after March 2011 and then formulating what is needed across the city if there is to be commissioning and revised priorities across partners in the medium to longer term.


55.10 Members were concerned that it should be possible to track long term trends and heard that  in some circumstances data could still be reported in ways which allowed tracking over a period of several years but this may not always be the case. Agreeing priorities for performance monitoring would be a key part of discussions with partners

55.11 Because there had been agreement on priorities with partners it had been agreed that the current LAA indicators would still be reported. However a new framework could be designed to be more streamlined, transparent and functional.


55.12 Asked about how intelligent commissioning would be performance monitored, the Head of Performance and Analysis said there would be two components: contract compliance and delivery – holding to account and financial accountability; and demonstrating the extent to which outcomes were being achieved


55.13 A number of indicators from the last quarter had not been reported due to the migration to the new HR system and change in organisational structure. Members asked that the information be forwarded to them when it was available.


55.14 Replying to a question on NI167 managing congestion, the Head of Performance and Analysis said that this was an error in the report and a correct figure would be provided. She invited Members to view the InterPlan system.


55.15 The Chairman thanked the officers and suggested that relevant sections of the performance report could be taken to the individual O&S Committees.


55.16 RESOLVED 1) that the information be noted


2) that additional information be requested as noted at 55.13 and 55.14

above and


3) that sections of the report be referred to O&S Committees if wished.


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