Issue - items at meetings - Decision of Statutory Proposals for Extending of the Age Range of Benfield Junior School

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Issue - meetings

Decision of Statutory Proposals for Extending of the Age Range of Benfield Junior School

Meeting: 10/12/2010 - Children & Young People Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 47)

Decision of Statutory Proposals for Extending of the Age Range of Benfield Junior School

Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy attached)

Additional documents:


47.1         That the Cabinet Member confirms the statutory notice and resolves to change the age range and expand the premises of Benfield Junior School from September 2011.




47.1            The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People considered a report of the Strategic Director, People. The report informed Members of the outcome of the statutory consultation on the proposed change in age range of Benfield Junior School to a two form entry all through Primary School. The report also sought to provide the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People with sufficient information to determine the proposal.


47.2            Councillor Hawkes praised the proposals and urged swift action in moving to the necessary next step of providing additional places in the Portslade area.


47.3            The Schools Futures Projects Director confirmed that discussions concerning additional places had begun with governors and teachers in Portslade. At this stage there were a number of options to take into account and a report would return to the Cabinet Member Meeting when a course of action was more definite. He hoped that this would be in the near future.


47.4            RESOLVED- That the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People confirms the statutory notice and resolves to change the age range and expand the premises of Benfield Junior School from September 2011.


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