Issue - items at meetings - Charging Policy for ASC

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Issue - meetings

Charging Policy for ASC

Meeting: 18/10/2010 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 29)

Adult Social Care Charging Policy (Non Residential Services)

Report of Director of Adult Social Care & Health (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That increases in the maximum charging rates set out below are agreed with effect from January 1st 2011.  (Note there has been no increase for this year and, in the year to June 2010, the RPI annual inflation rate was 5%).  The council’s budget assumed a 2.0% increase for a full year.


From                                         To:        No. Affected   Extra Income       

In-house home care                    £20 per hour                  £21 per hour      }           3 months     Full year

In-house Community Support      £20 per hour                  £21 per hour      }  120    £3750          £15,000

In-house Day care                      £22 per day                   £23 per day       }

Max Weekly charge                   £850 per week               £900 per week   }

Direct Payments                        100% Actual cost          max £900 pw     }                              

Independent Home Care 100% Actual Cost          max £900 pw     }


Fixed Rate Transport                  £2.00 per return             £2.10 per return     280   £1050         £4,200

Fixed Meals charge at DC          £2.90 per meal               £3.00 per meal        170  £900           £3,600

Fixed Meals charge at Home      £2.90 per meal               £3.00 per meal        300  £2000         £8000

Fixed Carelink charge                  £13 per month              £14 per month       1470  £4400         £17,600




29.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report which set out proposed revised charges for non-residential services.  The charging policy for Non Residential Care included maximum charges and fixed rate charges for in-house services.    


29.2    The Acting Director of Adult Social Care reported that the rates were usually reviewed in April each year, but this had been delayed due to legislative and policy changes.  The proposed changes did not come into effect due to changes in government. 


29.3    The Head of Financial Assessments and Welfare Rights reported that all the charges were means tested but the majority of service users did not pay the higher amounts.  The maximum charges were paid by people who could afford them.  120 people would be affected.  She confirmed that if a person had depleted their savings, they would be invited to apply for more benefits as soon as possible. 


29.4    The Cabinet Member considered that the proposed Carelink charge (£14) was very reasonable and remarked that his mother had paid £13 for the former “Pendant Service” some years ago.  The service had been good value for many years.


29.5    RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That increases in the maximum charging rates set out below are agreed with effect from January 1st 2011.  (Note there has been no increase for this year and, in the year to June 2010, the RPI annual inflation rate was 5%).  The council’s budget assumed a 2.0% increase for a full year.


From                                         To:        No. Affected   Extra Income       

In-house home care                    £20 per hour                  £21 per hour      }           3 months     Full year

In-house Community Support      £20 per hour                  £21 per hour      }  120    £3750          £15,000

In-house Day care                      £22 per day                   £23 per day       }

Max Weekly charge                   £850 per week               £900 per week   }

Direct Payments                        100% Actual cost          max £900 pw     }                              

Independent Home Care 100% Actual Cost          max £900 pw     }


Fixed Rate Transport                  £2.00 per return             £2.10 per return     280   £1050         £4,200

Fixed Meals charge at DC          £2.90 per meal               £3.00 per meal        170  £900           £3,600

Fixed Meals charge at Home      £2.90 per meal               £3.00 per meal        300  £2000         £8000

Fixed Carelink charge                  £13 per month              £14 per month       1470  £4400         £17,600




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