Issue - items at meetings - Adult Social Care and Health Risk Policy

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Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care and Health Risk Policy

Meeting: 18/10/2010 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 27)

Adult Social Care and Health Risk Policy

Report of Acting Director of Adult Social Care & Health (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)    That the action to manage risks in providing services under Personalisation be supported.


(2)    That the Positive Risk Enabling Policy be ratified.




27.1         The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Acting Director of Adult Social Care & Health which explained that as a result of the proposals in the Government White paper, Our Health, Our Care, Our Say, Adult Social Care had developed a means by which people with assessed and eligible needs could have an “indicative budget”.  This was essentially an agreed amount of money post assessment which they could use more independently and with more choice to meet the outcomes they had identified. 


27.2         Adult Social Care was aware that with choice and control came an element of risk.  “The Positive Risk Management Policy for Staff Carrying Out Community Care Assessments” was attached to the report.   The policy set out the context in which risk could be considered and assisted staff who were working with people with a tool and a supportive framework in which decisions could be made.


27.3    RESOLVED – Having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That the action to manage risks in providing services under Personalisation be supported.


(2)       That the Positive Risk Enabling Policy be ratified.




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