Issue - items at meetings - Tendering for special school home to school transport Services

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Issue - meetings

Tendering for special school home to school transport Services

Meeting: 22/03/2010 - Children & Young People Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 48)

48 Tendering for Special School Home to School Transport Services pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the completion of the re-tendering process for the two home to school transport contracts which finish at the end of the summer term 2010 be approved. 


2.       That delegated authority to confirm the award of the contracts be granted to the Director of Children’s Services, within whose Department the contract is managed.




48.1    The Head of Admissions and Transport presented an item on the Tendering for Special School Home to School Transport Services which gave the following recommendations:


1.         That the completion of the re-tendering process for the two home to school transport contracts which finish at the end of the summer term 2010 be approved. 


2.                  That delegated authority to confirm the award of the contracts be granted to the Director of Children’s Services, within whose Department the contract is managed.



48.2         Councillor Fryer asked what the expected outcomes would be in letting new contracts. 


48.3         The Head of Admissions and Transport replied that he would be expecting to see economies of scale and reductions in cost where a longer term exclusive contract was let for a school site.  The Council retained the option of not letting the contracts in this way if the tenders were not seen to achieve best value, and could let smaller parcels of transport if that resulted in a better price.


48.4         Councillor Fryer noted that there had been budget cuts in this area asking how the Council’s spend compared with other authorities.


48.5         The Head of Admissions and Transport responded that the authority was actually well within the national average and compared well with the South East, but was slightly above average cost amongst unitary authorities. He added that efficiency with good quality service would be rigorously pursued with all options examined and considered in order to achieve the required savings.


48.6         RESOLVED- That the Cabinet Member approve the recommendations from the Tendering for Special School Home to School Transport.




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