Issue - items at meetings - 3rd SEctor Recovery Plan

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Issue - meetings

3rd SEctor Recovery Plan

Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 71)

71 Brighton & Hove Third Sector Recovery Plan pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Report of the Director of Strategy and Governance

Additional documents:


71.1 The Grants Officers introduced the report on the draft Brighton & Hove Third Sector Recovery Plan. During questions on the draft Plan he also detailed the range of support given to groups within the Council’s Strategic and Annual Grants programmes.


71.2    Members welcomed the report and the opportunity to see it at a draft stage where they could constructively input into its development.


71.3     Members asked why the Plan had been renamed and deferred and why it appeared only now, as it had been first drafted in June 2009. The Head of Cabinet Support reassured Members that action where needed had and was being taken. The delay in presenting the report and the change in name was as a result of deciding to develop the approach in partnership with the Third Sector.


71.4     Officers would provide information on the Sussex Foundation Trust, the financial contribution of the third sector to the city and promoting the Credit Union more widely amongst staff and Members.


71.5    RESOLVED; that the Commission’s comments be taken forward in the development of the Third Sector Recovery Plan






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