Issue - items at meetings - Single Equality Scheme

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Issue - meetings

Single Equality Scheme

Meeting: 15/12/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 61)

61 Single Equality Scheme pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Report of the Director, Strategy and Governance

Additional documents:


61.1 The Chairman welcomed the report on the first draft Single Equality Scheme as an example of pre-decision scrutiny.


61.2    The Head of Equalities and Inclusion described the consultation that had taken place so far and presented the new Action Plan that covered the next two years.


61.3    Answering questions the Head of Equalities and Inclusion said that the staff bus had been raised at a scoping meeting of the staff disabilities scrutiny panel. She would investigate disabled access and the design of major projects.


61.4    At report Recommendation 2 (b) Members requested  6-monthly rather than annual monitoring.


61.5    In order to give fuller consideration to the draft scheme an informal Commission meeting was suggested and this was agreed.


61.6    RESOLVED a) That an additional OSC meeting be held in early January to review the draft Single Equality Scheme and provide feedback to inform the final document.


b) that members request a for 6-monthly monitoring report (not an annual report) as set out in paragraph 5 of this report.


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