Issue - items at meetings - Teenage pregnancy including teenage conception action plans

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Teenage pregnancy including teenage conception action plans

Meeting: 18/11/2009 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 29)

29 Teenage pregnancy including teenage conception action plans pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Report of the Director of the Children’s Services and see additional booklet “Teenage Pregnancy Action Plan 2009-2011”.


29.1         Kerry Clarke, Commissioner for Teenage Pregnancy and Substance Misuse presented the report to Members and answered questions.


29.2         Azdean Boulaich, Youth Council Representative questioned whether the reduction target of 45% in conception rate within the next year  was realistic, the Committee heard how this was a very high target, how adolescent behaviour had changed over the years,  and how on a national level - the length of time of the target may be extended. Quarterly statistics showed that there was a reduction in teenage pregnancy locally and this reduction was moving in the right direction.


29.3         In answer to a question on whether there were sufficient resources, in terms of funding for Community and Youth Workers at weekends, Members were told that existing Youth Workers were equipped and that they have transferable skills. They are now being trained to ask proactive questions around sexual health. Services were moving away from concentrating on referrals and moving towards developing the skills of their frontline staff. These initiatives were being worked on in all areas of the City from the Crew club in East Brighton to areas in Hove, incorporating partnership working with the health service.


29.4         In answer to a question on what preventative support there was in relation to second pregnancies, the Committee were informed that an additional 2 full time and 3 part-time Health Visitors to focus their support on mothers with 8-15 month old babies, to promote effective contraception use and identify any siblings in the family that may also be vulnerable to early conception and refer to prevention post. There are also Personal Advisors work to work with the 16-18 age group and a Re-integration Officer for school aged parents.


There were more specialised teams in place than previously, which included the anti-poverty pilot for 10 units of accommodation with support services; life coaches are attached to hostels and other young parents can access these services too; Contraception is provided via a domiciliary services as young parents are less likely to come into town.


Services are looking to change the culture of some young parents who think it is acceptable not to work for a year and end up Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET), by providing education at the anti-natal and postal natal stages of pregnancies, bonding and relationship building and how to move these young people into Accredited learning programmes which include low-level NVQ qualifications.


29.5         Azdean Boulaich, Youth Council Representative questioned how sex education within schools would help reduce the target, Members heard how within the Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), sex education would be a statutory subject and how all schools have signed up to the Teenage Pregnancy Action Plan, that the universal curriculum is part of a prevention programme and is linked into the health project.


29.6         Kenya Simpson-Martin, Youth Council Representative asked whether there was too much offered to teenagers who were pregnant in the way of benefits and housing and it’s considered to be an acceptable culture to be pregnant as a teenager, the Committee were told how this was not the majority of young people, how there was a 63% termination rate in Brighton and Hove (which was considered high) and there was a 29% reduction in births, and the strategy was looking into which people were getting pregnant and how front line staff could promote preventative measures. The realistic picture is that young people do not want to have sex until they are in a relationship. Programs are also being developed that provide a realistic picture of early parenthood that can be provided to those young people where this is seen as their only option. A project called Teens and Toddlers was discussed.


29.7         In answer to a question on 50% of teenage mothers were victims of domestic abuse and how the Plan was targeting these young people, Members were told how these services were addressing this in a different way by identifying earlier victims of domestic violence and teenagers with mental health issues.


29.8         Mark Price (representative for Youth Services,) commented that he felt the target reduction of 45% from the 1998 baseline rate, was unrealistic as a radical change was required; from adults in the community, how services needed to be more joined up and an increase in funding for youth services was required to achieve this.


It was noted that the majority of young people would like sex within a relationship and the majority would like not to have sex until after 16.


29.9         RESOLVED-

(1) The Committee noted the report and the Teenage Pregnancy   Action Plan and that no further action would be taken by CYPOSC.


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