Issue - items at meetings - Healthy Weight of Children and Young People

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Issue - meetings

Healthy Weight of Children and Young People

Meeting: 18/11/2009 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 28)

28 Healthy Weight of Children and Young People pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services.

Additional documents:


28.1         Lydie Lawrence, Public Health Development Manager presented the report to members and answered questions.


28.2         In answer to a question on why health visitors and school nurses were receiving training on promoting health, the Committee heard that it was to ensure that all clinical professionals were aware to identify any risks involving the healthy weight, as early as possible.


28.3         In answer to a question on sports activities within schools and whether this was during school hours or in the extended schools programme; as Members had concerns that the activities after schools risked losing children.  The Public Health Development Manager would provide further information on this. The Committee requested that they would like to know how other local authorities were performing in this area too.


The Members were informed that the Schools Sports Partnership, Active4Life and the Brighton & Hove Healthy Schools Strategy were involved in improving the take up of school sports.


28.4         In response to a question on why there were new interventions to original initiatives such as food growing, dietary advice, cookery training, play and physical activity initiatives, the Committee heard how there were a wider range of initiatives and partnerships working together to promote physical activities.


28.5         In response to a question on further evidence to show what other groups were involved other than schools, who were working on these initiatives, Members heard there were Children Centres around the city that took this initiative forward too.


28.6         In response to a question on Parks and Leisure facilities and what initiatives encouraged children to be active, other than free swimming, the Members heard that there was good coordination between facilities and they worked closely with Sussex Partnership Trust, Active4Life and extended schools to promote physical activities amongst children.


28.7         In response to a question on how children with disabilities faced barriers to accessing some physical activities e.g. expenses, not made to feel welcome, staff not understanding their needs, the Committee were informed that a piece of work to assess their needs and appropriate interventions in terms of diet/nutrition and promoting physical activity will be underway shortly working closely with voluntary sector


28.8         Kenya Simpson-Martin, Youth Council Representative asked whether parents were invited to the cookery training classes as it would be helpful for them too, the Committee heard that parents were invited and the classes consisted of food labelling (what is in food) and food growing. Parents would like to cook nutritiously, but do not have the time and money to; work with the Food Partnership is being carried out to give parents support about food growing: community gardens, allotments, food markets, what is affordable and what health effects convenience food can cause.


28.9         In response to a question on promoting physical activities in colleges, it was noted that specific information on discount cards would be useful.


28.10    RESOLVED –

(1)        The Committee noted the report and the progress made in the Healthy Weight of Children and Young People Delivery Plan.


(2)        The Committee agreed to have clarification as to which activities were happening after schools as part of the extended school offer and comparisons with other Local Authorities.



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