Issue - items at meetings - Businesses and the Recession

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Issue - meetings

Businesses and the Recession

Meeting: 02/06/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 7)

7 Potential Effects of the Recession on Business pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Draft report of the Acting Director, Strategy and Governance

Additional documents:


7.1       The Head of Culture and Economy introduced the report on the potential effects of the recession on business in the City, drawing Members’ attention to Appendix 1, extracted from data provided by the Brighton & Hove Business Forum.


7.2       Different studies had shown that the recession was affecting the City less badly than other parts of the country and south-east region. These are based on key data such as footfall in retail areas, numbers of people receiving job-seekers allowance, and levels of empty retail premises. The findings, which were consistent, were important for two reasons, in using as positive PR, helping boost public confidence and  in launching the Business Retention and Inward Investment Strategy and as an indication of how Brighton and Hove might recover from the impact of the recession more rapidly. 


7.3       The Head of Culture and Economy outlined a range of initiatives that had been undertaken in recent months to combat the impact of the recession such as the Be Local Buy Local Campaign run by the Communications team, a series of intensive advisory sessions for different business sectors under the banner Business Lifebelt run by Business Link and the Chamber of Commerce. 


7.4       Looking ahead, a number of other initiatives were planned that focussed on increasing activity in the city, tourism marketing programmes and free events, artwork in empty shop premises and a local tourism ‘Greeter’ volunteer scheme.


7.5       A report by HSBC bank had identified Brighton & Hove as 1 of 5 most recession-proof ‘Super-Cities,’  where alternative business models can grow and likely to recover quickest from the recession. The current scrutiny review of environmental industries could help contribute to developing an action plan for the development of this kind of business activity.


7.6       There were active links with the community and voluntary sector. For instance the third sector is represented on the Economy Task Force and LABGI (Local Authority Business Growth Incentive) is partially funding the Social Enterprise Strategy.  The Arts Council had also launched a fund called ‘Sustain’ for recession proofing activities for the cultural sector.


7.7       The Commission discussed the introduction of a Welcome Pack provided to business start-ups and the use of empty shops as shop fronts for cultural organisations. The latter was being coordinated between the LSP, arts organisations, Business Centre Forum and the Council. There were questions about payment of invoices and providing high quality flexible office space for small cooperatives in accessible locations.


7.8       Members were supportive of the schemes and initiatives and looked forward to tangible results from the ideas and actions.


7.9       The Chairman welcomed the report and innovative schemes and said that for a thriving economy of the future a strategic look at the physical infrastructure of the City as a whole was needed. Significant development at Sussex County Hospital was due to start later in the year and further funding was available to improve public buildings and highways, improving public space and air quality. This would further increase the attraction of the City , as a place to live and work.


7.10 RESOLVED:     that the activity currently being undertaken by the Council in support of business and in response to the recession be noted.



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