Issue - items at meetings - sustainable communites act

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Issue - meetings

sustainable communites act

Meeting: 02/06/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 4)

4 Sustainable Communities Act pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Acting Director for Strategy And Governance

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4.1 Introducing the report on Round One of the Sustainable Communities Act the Acting Head Cabinet Support said future proposal rounds were expected to be arranged annually, though this timing was unconfirmed by the government.


4.2 There was a high level of enthusiasm amongst active communities, after some initial cynicism. As many as 23 proposals had been submitted to the council on a variety of subjects including business rate relief, housing, renewable energy, food growing and others. Of these 16 were eligible ideas, in line with the Act.


4.3 All eligible proposals had been considered by the 12-member Local Panel which included one councillor from each of the four political groups. The final agreement between the Panel and the Administration would be reported to 9 July Cabinet where the decision on the council’s submission to the Local Government Association (LGA) would be taken.


4.4 Councillor Watkins was serving on the Local Panel and questioned the process for agreeing which proposals would be submitted.


4.5 The Acting Head Cabinet Support said that no decisions had been taken. The Administration had considered the Panel’s view and had responded with several suggested amendments. Negotiations were currently underway between the Panel and the Administration via e-mail as the application deadlines under this first round did not allow for an additional Panel meeting. It was re-iterated that no formal decision had been taken. The decision would be made at 9 July Cabinet where details of the process and the proposals would be available.


4.6 Cllr. Wakefield-Jarrett thanked the officers working on the Sustainable Communities Act and recognised the problems caused by the lack of guidance and information from the Local Government Association regarding their short-listing process.




            (1)   That the Overview and Scrutiny Commission notes the work being carried out by the Council and its partners under the Sustainable Communities Act.


            (2)   That the Overview and Scrutiny Commission requests officers to generate a bank of ideas, as result of its work, which could be submitted under future rounds of the Act.




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