Decision - Living Wage Joint Venture Business Plan

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Decision details

Living Wage Joint Venture Business Plan

Decision Maker: Housing & New Homes Committee, Policy, Resources & Growth Committee

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Report requesting approval of the Business Plan for the Living Wage Joint Venture with Hyde Housing


That Policy, Resources & Growth Committee:


(1)          Agree the Business Plan in Part 2 of the report and delegate authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture to take all steps necessary to enable and facilitate the implementation of the Business Plan;


(2)          Agree that the joint venture should seek, within the constraints of the agreed business plan, to maximise the use of photo voltaic and other energy saving measures and that plans to achieve this should be reported to Housing & New Homes committee


(3)          Authorise the disposal of Former Belgrave Site Day (South Portslade Industrial Estate), Clarendon Place, Portslade (as shown in Appendix 1) by way of long leasehold and that delegated authority be given to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture, Assistant Director of Property & Design and Executive Lead Officer Strategy, Governance & Law to agree terms and execute all legal documentation necessary to dispose of the site to the LWJV;


(4)          Authorise the disposal of Land north of Varley Halls, Coldean Lane, Brighton (as shown in Appendix 2) by way of long leasehold and that delegated authority be given to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture, Assistant Director of Property & Design and Executive Lead Officer Strategy, Governance & Law to agree terms and execute all legal documentation necessary to dispose of the site to the LWJV;


(5)          Authorise the disposal of Land north west of Whitehawk, Brighton (as shown in Appendix 3) by way of long leasehold and that delegated authority be given to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture, Assistant Director of Property & Design and Executive Lead Officer Strategy, Governance & Law to agree terms and execute all legal documentation necessary to dispose of the site to the LWJV;


(6)          Note the value for the disposals will accord with the valuations for each of the sites assessed by Savills and set out in Part 2 of the report;


(7)          Agree the capital receipts from the disposal of these sites are used for the council’s investment into the Living Wage Joint Venture;


(8)          Approve the inclusion of loans to the Living Wage Joint Venture within the Councils Capital Investment Programme in line with agreed drawdowns approved by the Living Wage Joint Venture Board;


(9)          Agree the appointment of the council’s representatives on the Board of the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and the Design & Build subsidiary company; and


(10)       Agree that a review be undertaken by the board into the model levels of maintenance costs after year 10 in the business model, with the outcome of this review to be reported to Housing & New Homes committee.

Report author: Sam Smith, Martin Reid

Publication date: 16/10/2017

Date of decision: 12/10/2017

Decided at meeting: 12/10/2017 - Policy, Resources & Growth Committee

Accompanying Documents:


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