Decision - Strategic Risk Focus: SR2, S10, SR18, SR25 and SR34

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Decision details

Strategic Risk Focus: SR2, S10, SR18, SR25 and SR34

Decision Maker: Audit & Standards Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the Audit & Standards Committee:


1)    Note in paragraph 3.3 the changes to the council’s SRR as agreed at the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) on 15 May 2019.


2)    Note Appendix 1 for details of SR2, SR10, SR18, SR25, and SR34.


3)    Note Appendix 2: Information on the council’s risk management process relative to Strategic Risks (SRs); and Suggested questions for Members to ask Risk  Owners and officers on Strategic Risks.


4)    Having considered Appendix 1 and any clarification and/or comments from the officers, the Committee makes any recommendations it considers appropriate to the relevant council body.

Report author: Jackie Algar

Publication date: 24/07/2019

Date of decision: 23/07/2019

Decided at meeting: 23/07/2019 - Audit & Standards Committee

Accompanying Documents:


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