Decision - Overpayments on the housing repairs and improvement contract

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Decision details

Overpayments on the housing repairs and improvement contract

Decision Maker: Housing & New Homes Committee

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report summarises the results of an internal audit review of overpayments made by the council in respect of housing repairs.


(1)          That the report and the committee’s comments be noted.


(2)          That it is agreed that a report be presented to the Committee on a biannual basis, demonstrating that the council and Mears Ltd have robust processes are in place to avoid any further overpayments. 


Report author: Graham Liddell

Publication date: 13/01/2016

Date of decision: 13/01/2016

Decided at meeting: 13/01/2016 - Housing & New Homes Committee

Effective from: 21/01/2016

Accompanying Documents:


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