Decision - Admission arrangements for Brighton & Hove schools 2015-2016

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Decision details

Admission arrangements for Brighton & Hove schools 2015-2016

Decision Maker: Children & Young People Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


RESOLVED – (1) That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents be adopted for the admissions year 2015/16;


            (2) That the admission priorities for Community Schools set out in the Consultation documents be adopted for all age groups;


(3) That the Council should review the final version of the Cardinal Newman Catholic School and King’s School admission arrangements (as amended in light of the Diocesan response and parental and school responses) to decide whether it should comment further;


(4)That the co-ordinated schemes of admission be approved;


(5) That the City boundary be retained as the relevant area for consultation for school admissions; and


(6) That the operation of the council’s relocation pool (also known as waiting list) for each catchment shall give priority to any child still living within their catchment area, who has applied for a school place within catchment before the closing date for the relevant school year, and who was not allocated a placement within the catchment for the relevant year (amendment agreed at the meeting).

Report author: Jo Miles

Publication date: 10/03/2014

Date of decision: 10/03/2014

Decided at meeting: 10/03/2014 - Children & Young People Committee

Accompanying Documents:


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