Issue details - Brighton and Hove City Council Provision of Arboricultural Services

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Issue details

Brighton and Hove City Council Provision of Arboricultural Services

The current provision of arboriculture services contract with Connick Tree Care expires on the 31st January 2015. It is imperative that the council's provision for a high quality of pruning work by a contractor continues as part of service expectations for its residents and highway users. It is recommernded that a 5 year term contract is offered worth approximately £750000.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/06/2014

Decision due: 12 Jun 2014 by Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015)

Lead member: Chair of the City Environment, South Downs & The Sea Committee

Lead director: Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing

Contact: Email: Tel: 01273 294349.


Agenda items


  • Brighton and Hove City Council Provision of Arboricultural Services  


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