ePetition - Hold i360 Ltd to Account

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Hold i360 Ltd to Account

We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to hold i360 Ltd to account in order to benefit the best interests of the residents of this City.

We note that the previous Council Administration approved this Scheme with the minimum of public consultation and that the Council lent £36.2Million to i360 Ltd.

We urge that Company to minimise any environmental damage as a result of the scheme, ensure public access to the area around the West Pier and ensure that we get the full return with additional interest from the Council stake in this Scheme. In particular we ask:-

1. The Council to use its powers, including bye-laws, to ensure that the area is protected, that minimal disruption is caused and that the interests of residents and small businesses are protected.
2. The Council to ensure that the current Planning Conditions are enforced and that these are strengthened where necessary.
3. The Council to ensure that there is no encroachment by the i360 LTD onto the beach and other areas of the seafront beyond the strict boundaries already agreed.
4. The Council to ensure that all relevant Legislation including Health and Safety Laws are adhered to.
5. The Council to apply all relevant financial penalties, Community benefits, Business Rates and other sources of income to ensure that any potential losses now or in the future are minimised.

This ePetition ran from 29/06/2015 to 21/10/2015 and has now finished.

38 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

The petitiion is due to be considered at the full Council meeting on the 22nd October 2015.


Brighton & Hove City Council | Hove Town Hall | Hove | BN3 3BQ | Tel: (01273) 290000 | Mail: info@brighton-hove.gov.uk | how to find us | comments & complaints