Decisions for issue Hove Park Secondary School Academy Conversion Consultation

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Hove Park Secondary School Academy Conversion Consultation

02/06/2014 - Hove Park Secondary School Academy Conversion Consultation

            RESOLVED – (1) That having considered the Chair’s request that as part of the consultation process the Council should administer a ballot asking parents whether they agree with the governing body’s proposal that Hove Park School should convert to academy status. It is proposed that all parents of pupils currently attending the school together with parents of those pupils offered places for September 2014 should be invited to take part in the ballot; and


(2) That the committee agree to the council undertaking a parent ballot. That the ballot be in paper form including a short covering letter to parents. It is proposed that the ballot asks one simple question; “Do you agree that Hove Park Secondary School should convert to become an Academy – Yes or No”. It is proposed that the ballot is circulated via the school with a pre-paid envelope provided by the council for parents to return their response to the council who will analyse and communicate the results. Reference to the ballot will be referred to on the council website.



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